Reasons to Vote NO on the creation of the
Denver Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission
Item 1 Brief:
Initiative 300 promotes a belief system that space aliens are visiting
us, based solely on stories, but no actual physical evidence. While
everyone is entitled to his or her own beliefs, the Denver City
government should not be used as a platform to promote a belief
Distilling the ET Affairs Commission ballot initiative down to its
essential duty, it seems to be Duty 3, “To display in the most
cost-effective manner on the City of Denver web site, and otherwise,
the most credible evidence and witness testimony regarding the
existence and activities of extraterrestrial intelligent beings on
earth”. This seems to mean to publish whatever information it
believes in, regarding UFOs, aliens, conspiracies and cover-ups, on the
city web site.
We do not understand why we have before us a ballot initiative whose
sole purpose is to allow its supporters to publish their opinions about
ETs and UFOs on the city web site. The supporters of this
initiative could easily do that on their own web site. These
supporters should not be given the city web site as a platform to try
to give more credibility to their beliefs, by allowing them to claim
their beliefs are published ‘by the government’ – that is, on a city
government’s web site.
We believe the initiative should be withdrawn and the information the
supporters wish to present, be presented on their own web site.
Blog space is cheap. If perchance the initiative passes, and
since Duty 3 again says its opinions are to be displayed “In the
most cost-effective manner on the City of Denver web site, and
otherwise”, we suggest that the most cost-effective way for the city is
not on the City Web site, but “otherwise”. That is, on the
supporters own web site and blogs, such as they are doing now. We
recommend that fact be communicated to the supporters of this
initiative now, and see if they even still want to pursue it.
Item 2 Brief:
The supporters of the initiative claim it will funded only through
“grants, gifts and donations, and so will not cost the Denver taxpayers
anything. The City budget office has already estimated its first
year costs at $22,800. The initiative provides no evidence that
it will receive any funding at all, and if it does not, the taxpayers
will be stuck with the tab.
We do not see how the current wording of the ET Affairs Ballot
Commission is supportable were it to pass.
It says that the operations, duties, and responsibilities of this
commission are to be funded only through “grants, gifts and
donations.” But it also says in Sec. 2-255.65. “Departments,
offices, and agencies of the City and County of Denver that are
responsible for administering the systems and related services shall
cooperate with the Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission to support the
purpose of this division.” How can these departments be at
the beck and call of the ET commission’s requirements, when the
commission has no budget? Do these departments have to absorb all
these unknown costs themselves? Is there a procedure in place to
require these departments to estimate these unexpected budget
requirements for each request, and submit them to the ET commission,
and try to schedule its implementation of these requests around the
commission’s fund raising activities? Does the commission even
have a fundraising estimate, or a plan, or a schedule?
We suggest the initiative be sent back to the drawing board until it is
corrected, and an actual budget is included by the commission as part
of its operation. It is folly to believe any such government
commission can operate with no official budget.
Item 3 Brief:
Everyone has a right to their own beliefs, their own faith, and to free
speech. But without hard evidence, stories of extraterrestrial
visitations remain in the category of a belief system, not science,
law, or civics. Implementing this initiative, so as to make this
law, would establish this belief system as part of our
government. Our constitution prevents the government from
establishing such belief systems under which all its citizens must then
be bound.
A belief in Extraterrestrials covers a lot of ground. As
you search the internet on this topic, you find that its proponents not
only include a belief in other galactic civilizations, but also include
spiritual beliefs, such as higher states of being and of
consciousness. The term “New Age” seems to be the common category
for this belief system. Jeff Peckman himself, the author of this
initiative, even sells new age items on his web site, such as a
credit-card-type object called the Metatron Personal Harmonizer, for
$149, which he claims reduces the stress of the possessor.
Given these new-age entanglements, and products reminiscent of those
sold by televangelists, and the
requirement to believe in something (extraterrestrials) for which there
is no proof, puts this ET belief system more in the realm of a
religious faith, than of a general issue for the public welfare.
Everyone has a right to his or her own beliefs, their own faith, and to
free speech. But is it even legal
for the proponents of such a belief system to use Denver and its
resources as a platform to amplify the credibility of those
beliefs? Is it legal to implement this initiative, so as to make
this law, which establishes this system of belief, as part of our
And if we do, what will be the costs to the citizenry, as Denver finds
itself in lawsuit after lawsuit over the initiative, and the contents
this group posts to the city’s web site: lawsuits challenging a
potential abuse of the First Amendment and the establishment of a
particular religious belief by the city?
Item 4 Brief:
The initiative's commission requires each applicant to "be a
knowledgeable expert in some area related to extraterrestrial
intelligent beings or their vehicles". There are no standard
tests, licenses, or degrees in "knowledge of extraterrestrials".
Therefore it is not possible for the Mayor to conscientiously implement
this initiative, as he or she will have no criteria upon which to
evaluate each applicant's credentials.
In the ET ballot initiative, Sec. 2-255.61 says:
“There is hereby created an extraterrestrial affairs commission. The
commission shall consist of seven (7)
regular volunteer members approved by the Mayor who shall give
preference to four (4) residents of Denver, Colorado who satisfy the
selection criteria. Each approved member must be a knowledgeable expert
in some area related to extraterrestrial intelligent beings or their
vehicles. Members who are not Denver residents may participate from
anywhere in the universe by any means available.”
In order for the Mayor to conscientiously fulfill this requirement, how
can the Mayor determine whether a volunteer meets the requirement
of being “a knowledgeable expert in some area related to
extraterrestrial intelligent beings or their vehicles”? What kind
of test could a candidate be given, what kind of license must they
have, or what credible educational degree must they have
achieved? If it currently cannot be shown that extraterrestrial
intelligent beings or their vehicles exist, how can a criteria be
developed to determine if anyone is a “knowledgeable expert” about them?
Since no criteria is currently possible, the Mayor will not be able to
perform his duty of appointing members. Therefore, this
initiative cannot be implemented even if it passes. And
therefore, this initiative should be made invalid.
Item 5 Brief:
Supporters of the initiative often claim it will allow disclosure of
secret government information on extraterrestrials and their
technology. The ballot initiative simply creates a
commission to communicate its opinions on UFOs. It does not give
the commission any new special powers to force the government to
disclose any secret alien technologies, or disclose the existence of
This ET campaign uses several claims of secret and withheld alien
technologies to justify an ET Affairs Commission. The ballot
text, its web site and other communications(1), claim these
technologies can replace fossil fuels, and can cure cancer. The
campaign goes on to ask “Should the U.S. government decide if and when
you have a right to know these facts”?
But how will the ET Commission insure government disclosure of this
information? According to the ballot text, it does not.
The ballot initiative simply creates a commission to communicate its
opinions on UFOs using the city’s web site and other venues. It
does not give the commission any new special powers to force the
government to disclose any secret alien technologies, disclose the
existence of aliens, or force a disclosure of a secret cure to cancer.
In order to put forth disclosure of a cure for cancer as a
justification for this commission, and since
the commission itself has no special
powers to force disclosure, there seems to only be two possibilities
for the claim. First, the proponents have seen this cure
and know it exists, but are holding it hostage to the public unless the
commission is created. Or second, they have not in fact seen it,
and are using empty claims of a cure for this terrible disease to
manipulate the citizens to vote for something that otherwise has no
believable justification.
Item 6:
6. Initiative 300 promotional materials consist mostly of celebrity
stories of UFOs (including, of course, from Elvis), and claims of
government conspiracies (again, with no real evidence). But Initiative
300 is not about determining whether or not any of these claims are
true. It just asks you to believe them, and to believe that space
aliens are visiting us. If the supporters really had proof of
this, they would show it to you now to insure the initiative’s
passage. But they only present stories about UFO sightings and
rumors and conspiracies. Without such proof, Initiative 300 is
all flash, no substance, and just a big waste of time, money, and
(1)Sources: The Ballot initiative. The official campaign web site
at www.extracampaign.org.
Articles in the Denver UFO Examiner, written by Jeff Peckman, the
initiatives chief proponent and author.
A recent poll of Denver City Council
District Two has already shown what the public opinion is: