A website did an "Analysis" of the circle and
came to this conclusion:
The overall image was a "Polar Clock". As you may recall,
another "Polar Clock" was prepared in cultures Manton Drove near
Marlborough, England, June 2, 2012. And predicted success
for a safe landing on Mars, NASA's Curiosity Rover, two months
after its date indicated on August 5, 2012.
This new "Polar Clock" in, California shows a "bright comet
long-tailed" as the astronomical event planned: Inside we can
see the "CCD Chip with a digital camera" This could imply that
many people on Earth will be photographing a bright comet in the
early months of 2014.
The internal code shows a short message in Braille that says
"192-192-2-192-1-192-192" This can be a symbolic reference to
the British Search engine "192.com". Its implication could be
that "the blind will see, and those that seek will find"
Intermediate code has a number of alphabetic characters in Morse
code. The seem to read: "The ET B-SON STS" meaning ""ET B(s)" or
"Extraterrestrials exist.
A second interpretation of his Braille code "1-9-2" in terms of
"hours" along the face of a "Polar Clock".
Then the truth that it was actually a hoax is released:
Nvidia announced that this Crop circle was a promotion for thier
Tegra K1 video
They said that this was approved by thier promotional
department because of a "shoestring budget".
The UFO believers have been quiet, but a few refuse to admit
that it is a hoax.
Frank Sumption - Right... gonna destroy the entire field for a
stunt that no one is going to understand. Believe it---NOT!
A.M. - This complicated symbolism could only have only been done
with computers at some kind of high-tech art college, costing
tens of thousands of dollars, and the it would have to be beamed
down to the ground with unknown technology, probably costing
millions. The military could not afford to do this and it would
have to show up in the accounts. Note also the outer ring
crosses over some ragged lines already done by the farmer, and
fakers on the ground would have avoided this.
The Facts:
The circle was commissioned by Nvidia to promote a new video
processor for mobile devices.
The Security guards were there to keep the crowds in control.
They were not Echelon security and it was not immediatly taken
The 192 in the circle represented the 192 cores in the new
The rest of the "Chip" design was just the physical layout and
did not represent anything.
The rest of the Circle design was created to emulate other "Crop
The most obvious part was that the comet has a smiley face.